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Пленка на воздушной подушке / пленка с воздушными пузырями

РЕШЕНИЯ ДЛЯ ЗАПОЛНЕНИЯ ПУСТОТ : Предотвратите смещение, образование синяков или поломку предметов во время транспортировки с помощью воздушных подушек и материалов для заполнения пустот, которые являются надежными, экологичными и эффективными.

Physical specifications

product parameters

Number Materiel Thickness Width Perforation length Printing Film Unit Film Package carton size
M T(um) W(cm) L(cm) P Length/Unit Rolls/Carton
1 HDPE 20um 40cm 40*28.5 Customize Roll 300m 2 32.5*16*42.5
2 HDPE 20um 40cm 40*32 Customize Roll 300m 2 32.5*16*42.5
3 HDPE 20um 60cm 58.5*32 Customize Roll 300m 2 30*15.5*62
4 HDPE 20um 80cm 78.5*32 Customize Roll 300m 2 32*16*82
5 HDPE 20um 40cm 40*40 Customize Roll 500m 1 20*20*41.5
6 HDPE 20um 60cm 58.5*40 Customize Roll 300m 2 32.5*16*42.5
7 HDPE 20um 80cm 78.5*40 Customize Roll 300m 2 32.5*16*42.5

Strength inspection

Advantages of bubble air cushion

1 Perfect sealing

The sealing edge is complete and not easy to fold and air leakage, high-speed air flow will not affect the sealing of plastic film.

2 Puncture resistant

The flexible air cushion film can resist the impact and pressure repeatedly, and then protect the product from multiple angles.

3 Tear line design

Long tear line design and perforation length customized, easy to use and improve the efficiency of packaging.

4 Full air filling

Professional air filling process, air filling rate can reach 95%,high-speed and strong air flow will support.

Supporting machinery

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